Monday, November 17, 2014

Reading Diary Week 14: Czech

This week I read stories from the Czech unit.

In Sleepy John, John is always sleepy and wanting to sleep everywhere. He finds a cart that belongs to a farmer and decides to lie down in a cask and take a nap. Then a wolf comes along to pester him. He is given a knapsack and was told that anything he would ever need would be found in it.

In Silly Jura, there are two brothers that are both very lazy and thieves. They had a third brother as well but did not like him. I think that the plot is really well told and explained. It is interesting to see the views of each of the brothers and the slave.

In The Bear, the Eagle and the Fish, there was a count that had three beautiful daughters. I feel that it is interesting to really hear about what the count feels and to see things from his point of view.

In Kojata, there was a king that only had one son. He set out on an adventure one day and forgot that it was the day his wife was suppose to give birth. The king returns home and is saddened by the result. I liked how the reader was really able to understand in great detail in this story what was going on.

In The Waternick there are two children that only have a widowed mother. She sends them out to the forest to gather water. They venture out so far that they have to stay the night in the forest. It was interesting to see how the children viewed all of the events from their point of view.

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