Monday, November 24, 2014

Famous Last Words Week 14

I feel that overall the best piece of writing I did for this class was the portfolio piece. I think that this was my strongest piece of writing because I was really pushed to make each story better. I liked that we would get to rework a lot of the details in the stories. I think that coming back to the same story a few separate times is a great plan. I think that this is beneficial because you are then able to rework thoughts and ideas. I also think that it is beneficial because then you can come back each time to the story with a clear mind. I think that this class was so beneficial for me. I think that I have vastly improved as a writer this semester and I will take what I learned from this class and apply it to the other classes I take and then on in to the real world when I graduate.

Wow I really can’t believe that this semester is coming to an end so quickly. I think that this semester has truly flown by. I am nervous for finals that are just around the corner. Unfortunately I have four of my five final exams and a paper all during dead week. I am really not looking forward to this because I have to do a good amount of studying during my Thanksgiving break. On the upside however it will be very nice to get a lot of the stress out of the way before finals week. I only have one exam during the actual finals week and it is on the Monday so I will be done with my finals on the Monday of finals week. Then I get to head home to Colorado for the whole break a bit early!

Source: Flickr

1 comment:

  1. Emily,
    It is always bitter-sweet when the bulk of the work is due early on. Like you said, it can get really stressful while you are working hard on all of your projects and studying, but then you get to experience a huge sigh of relief when you are done before everyone else. I hope everything finishes well for you this semester.
