Monday, September 1, 2014

Famous Last Words: Week 2

Famous Last Words

Overall I feel that there are certain areas that I can improve on in my writing. I personally feel that I have never been that strong of a writer so I look forward to this semester to improve on my writing. I think that creative writing is the most fun type because it allows you to really branch out from what you may be traditionally comfortable with writing about. It also really pushes you to dig deeper and see that there are so many other options of how you can express your feelings. One of the main things I have always felt I need to improve on is when I write I include far too much detail, it is really had for me to be a clear and concise writer so that is something that I am hoping to improve on in this class this semester!
So far my semester is going pretty well, I think that with senior year comes a lot of stress and challenges as you are preparing yourself to enter in to the “real world”. Out of my five other classes that I am enrolled in for this Fall ’14 semester they are all business classes so I really haven’t had any material crossover from this class to those. I really have found this class to be very interesting though so far, I think it is so intriguing to read these stories that are so old and creative and to try and guess what the ending will be, and then most of the time I find myself to be very surprised. Mythology writing is interesting to me because this is the first time I have ever read anything from the genre, it is so different and really allows the writer to elaborate on the main theme and develop it in to a full story.


  1. I can totally relate to needing to be more concise in your writing! I always want to make sure the reader understands what I am trying to say and want them to take away the complete message I am trying to present. Sometimes this gets me into trouble because I spend five sentences elaborating on something that could be said in two if I kept it to the point. I am also a senior so can relate to the craziness that comes with all the details of entering "the real world." I graduate in December so for me it is quickly approaching, although I hope to attend grad school, so I guess the "real world" is still a little ways off. I think this class is a great way to give you a creative break from all of your business classes.

  2. Emily,

    This post is so true. When I first decided to take this class, I had no idea what it was going to entail but improving my writing is something that has definitely happened. It has been great to read the writing of our classmates and learn from their amazing writing abilities.

    I hope that you have a great rest of your senior year. It is such a crazy time and a time of uncertainty but I'm sure that it will all work out! Good luck this year.

  3. Emily, it was great to read such an honest reflection of the beginning of your semester. I hope that you've enjoyed this class and gotten to practice your writing skills so far. I definitely track with your sentiment that creative writing is challenging but fun, and that's something that I've been learning this semester too--as a science major, I don't get much of a chance to express myself through writing.

    I hope you enjoy the rest of this semester. Good luck with senior year!

  4. Hey Emily,

    I totally understand where you are coming from when you say you do not necessarily think of yourself as a strong writer. I too have often struggled with being able to put my thoughts into words. I have always been the type to prefer to have a discussion about a particular topic, rather than write about it.

    However, I feel like this class has already helped me improve my writing. Unlike you, I often find myself struggling to reach minimum word or page requirements, so my writing is too concise, ha!

    Anyways, I hope the rest of your semester goes well!

  5. Emily, I certainly think this class has given us all a pretty good opportunity to improve on our writing! We have done quite a lot of writing this semester - especially creative writing. It has been a lot of fun, and I have certainly seen my writing get better and easier from week to week so I hope you feel the same about yours.

    I also completely sympathize with your senior year feelings because I am currently experiencing them as well. I hope you enjoy your last year, and best of luck in all your courses and job hunting!

  6. You are so right about storytelling being a fun way to write. I have not written anything besides a lab report since my first semester of college. It has been so nice to come up with these weird stories and characters. I like to think that my stories are interesting but I generally just take a movie and mix it with one of the fairy tales. Good luck on your writing skills and I hope you have fun this semester.

  7. I completely agree with you when it comes to what you say about creative writing. This class is the first opportunity I have had in a long time to practice my ability to weave stories together. Now, I'm interested to see what you've written over the course of the semester to see how your writing has improved! I'm sure it has!
